A skill-share/workshop by Felicia 'Fe' Montes of La Botanica del Barrio and Mujeres de Maiz discussing and sharing tools for beginning self care. Simple herbal remedies are shared focusing on dealing with anxiety, insomnia, stress and supporting our immune systems.
Maestra Felicia's Bio: Felicia Montes is a Xicana Indigenous artist, activist, academic, community and event organizer, educator, designer, poet, performer, professor living and working in the Los Angeles area. She believes art is a tool for education, empowerment and transformation and has translated her passion for art and social justice as co-founder and coordinating member of two groundbreaking creative women’s collectives, Mujeres de Maiz and In Lak Ech. Felicia creates work based on social and spiritual change as she works on the front lines of activism and organizing.