Nuestras Comunidades
As teacher-students, with and without degrees, in and outside the University, each generation holds the promise to learn from one another through our engagement in ‘living research.’ Generated through the arts, spiritual work grounded in community, as well as studied investigations on and off campus, LMC endeavors to provide a critical lens to help elders and youth alike, negotiate an ever-accelerated globalized world. From the local to the international — LMC creates community through exhibitions and mural making, literary readings and writing workshops, and programming that highlights those who agitate for change, doing some good along the way.
In our brief time since our founding, we have witnessed students, community members, educators and artists continuously working towards making Las Maestras Center a shared space for creative action, where theory meets practice.
“It was the first time that I truly felt a sense of ‘home’ within a large campus. Las Maestras Center opens the doors to students who yearn to find peace within their personal identity and own cultural indigeneity. I would like to thank Celia and Cherríe for also creating a safe place for me to research my creative projects at UCSB.”
A place for our Youth
And Our Elders
To engage with Indigenous thought, art and social practices.
Maestra Celia lighting sage before our enseñanza/orientation.